$8 Million

The estimated cost of the
project to do a total site rebuild. 


2 0 1 9

The year’s end we want to
secure the majority of our funding.

The Backdrop

A few years ago the pastors and staff of the church began discussing different possibilities for renovation and growth. We considered many possibilities, including moving the church to a different neighborhood, buying different property within the neighborhood, and renovating our current buildings.

The Vision

In the end, the option we decided to pursue was a completely new building on our current property. This strategy had the advantages of keeping us in the community where God has planted us, as well as utilizing state-of-the-art building materials, energy efficiency, and technology so that our investment would last for generations.

The Site Plan

We enlisted the help of a local architect and general contractor who had helped lead the construction of one of our sister churches in the area. Graciously and generously, they offered their services pro bono to make inquiries of city officials, make drawings of a building concept, and estimate the construction cost.

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